A Third of UAE Merchants Pull Card-on-File for Checkout Priority

Checkout conversion is the name of the game in eCommerce. Merchants who increase their conversion rates typically boost their sales as a result. The PYMNTS Intelligence report “To Boost Conversion, UAE Merchants Want Simpler, Faster Checkout...

Shop Pay Gains Momentum as Shopify Sees Subscriptions Growth

Shopify President Harley Finkelstein highlighted the company’s fiscal performance in the fourth quarter of 2024, marking a solid finish to the year. “I’ve honestly never been more excited about what we achieved and how it’s positioning us...

78% of US Online Retailers Want to Improve Checkout Experience

Middle-market merchants are focusing on improving the checkout experience to better serve customers and improve conversion rates. According to a PYMNTS Intelligence report, “U.S. Merchants Want Help From PSPs on Make-or-Break Checkout to...

78% of US eMerchants Want to Improve Checkout Experience

Middle-market merchants are focusing on improving the checkout experience to better serve customers and improve conversion rates. According to a PYMNTS Intelligence report, “U.S. Merchants Want Help From PSPs on Make-or-Break Checkout to...

60% of UK Merchants Request One-Click Checkout

For online merchants — no matter in which country they operate, no matter what they are selling — there are two sides to what might be called the eCommerce coin. There’s the user experience on one side, which leads to conversion. Then...


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