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How embedded payments are changing the way we pay

How embedded payments are changing the way we pay

There was a time when ride-share company Uber’s almost imperceptible app-based payments system was an outlier. Uber's payments process was one of the earliest forms of embedded payments, a concept that entails the streamlining of a checkout process so consumers...

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Reimagining checkout: The future is check-in

Reimagining checkout: The future is check-in

E-commerce retailers often consider the checkout experience an afterthought. After all, the customer has already found the product and decided to buy. All retailers need to do is ensure the customer’s payment goes through smoothly, right?  However, retailers...

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Macro vs. Micro Conversions

Macro vs. Micro Conversions

Summary:  Macro conversions are desired user actions that directly contribute to your business's primary goals. In contrast, micro conversions are user actions that precede macro conversions and occur more frequently. Product managers and digital marketing...

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Embedded Finance’s Next Stop Is B2B Commerce

Embedded Finance’s Next Stop Is B2B Commerce

Wind the clock back just a few years, and online transactions were a disjointed experience. After filling a cart at a merchant’s site, upon checking out a user would be directed to another website to enter the same payment details. Cart abandonment inevitably...

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