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Fighting Fraud In Restaurants and Supermarkets
By adminIn Payment providerIs de toekomst van de supermarkt kassaloos?
By Jelle KempeIn Client experience, Conversion, InnovationKlarna koopt nog een prijsvergelijkingssite
By Erwin BoogertIn Payment providerAutodetect “City” and “State” Inputs Based on the User’s Postal Code (28% of Mobile Sites Don’t) – Articles – Baymard Institute
By Edward ScottIn Client experience, ConversionHow to Create a High Converting Abandoned Checkout Flow (2025)
By Joe PowlesIn Videos

Merchants Offer Dozens of Features to Get Shoppers to Buy, Here Are the 10 That Matter
by Redactie | May 15, 2023
The value proposition of online commerce is, above all else, convenience. “Building a Better Online Checkout Experience: The Key Features That Matter to Customers” a PYMNTS and collaboration, surveyed 2,030 U.S. consumers and found that the biggest...

Instagram and Facebook will force their checkout experience on Shops soon
by Redactie | Apr 28, 2023
Meta announced today that it will be phasing out onboarding of new Shops without checkout on Facebook and Instagram enabled. Beginning April 24 of next year, Shops without checkout on Facebook and Instagram enabled will no longer be accessible. This means that...

Is de toekomst van de supermarkt kassaloos?
by Jelle Kempe | Apr 14, 2023
De techniek staat niet stil. AI, machine learning, zelfs dit artikel zou inmiddels geautomatiseerd geschreven kunnen zijn – maar dat is niet zo. Ook retailers zien de ontwikkelingen en proberen ze te implementeren in hun concepten. Neem bijvoorbeeld...

Autodetect “City” and “State” Inputs Based on the User’s Postal Code (28% of Mobile Sites Don’t) – Articles – Baymard Institute
by Edward Scott | Apr 12, 2023
Key Takeaways Mobile users are especially prone to typos when entering address information, leading to verification errors “Zip Code Autodetection” is a great fallback option for sites that don’t provide “Fully Automatic Address Lookup” Yet 28% of mobile sites...
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Choice and Convenience Define Consumer Payments
By adminIn Payment providerUnlocking 2025: key U.S. consumer trends shaping digital commerce
By Tim Glomb, VP of Digital, Content & AIIn Client experience, ConversionBrand Sites Suffer as Consumers Browse but Do Not Buy
By PYMNTSIn Client experience, ConversionOptimizing Advertising With Payments Automation
By adminIn Payment providerEmbedded Payments: Untapping the Potential
By RedactieIn Conversion