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Using POPs to Increase Efficiency, Lower Costs
By adminIn Payment provider‘Merken zonder social commerce-strategie laten kansen liggen’
By MerkstrategieIn Client experience, Conversion13 Effective Ways To Improve And Expand Digital Payment Methods
By RedactieIn ConversionOmnichannel commerce: 5 strategies to grow your business in 2023
By RedactieIn Client experience, Conversion, Online checkoutAPAC Cart Abandonment Rises Absent Localized Payments
By PYMNTSIn Client experience, Conversion, Innovation, Online checkout, Payment provider, POS checkout, Technology, Uncategorized, Uncategorized-en, Videos

4 speciale vormen van social proof-psychologie die je nog niet kent
by Tom van Bommel | Mar 13, 2023
0 - shares like bookmark Tom van Bommel van Unravel 0 13 maart 2023 om 08:00 4 minuten lezen Grote kans dat je al eens gehoord hebt van het principe social proof. Dit psychologische fenomeen, bekend gemaakt door de sociaal psycholoog Robert Cialdini, houdt in...

One-click checkout increases spending and engagement
by Redactie | Feb 28, 2023
Newswise — You’d probably guess that simplifying the checkout process at an online retailer will lead customers to buy more. The question is: How much more? New Cornell research shows that after signing up for an online retailer’s “one-click” checkout service,...

Battle over expected Durbin bill ensues
by Redactie | Feb 28, 2023
The National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions took a shot at legislation expected to impose new restrictions on credit card transaction processing before it’s even been introduced. The association, which represents not-for-profit credit unions...

Ondernemer wisselt regelmatig van PSP –
by Redactie | Feb 17, 2023
15 februari 2023 De Redactie MKB-bedrijven beperkt trouw aan payment service provider. 59 procent van het MKB wisselt elke twee tot drie jaar van payment service provider (PSP). Dit blijkt uit onderzoek van de bank Banking Circle onder 300 retailers in het MKB....
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Raising the Bar for Passwordless Commerce
By PYMNTSIn Client experience, ConversionPayPal raises fees between UK and Europe
By adminIn Payment providerAmazon Opens Second Just Walk Out Whole Foods
By PYMNTSIn Client experience, Conversion, Technology- Top 5 Online Frauds Targeting AmericansBy adminIn Uncategorized
Hoe ben je succesvol in “privacy proof” marketing
By PrivacyIn Client experience, Conversion