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Bolt cans $1.5bn Wyre acquisition

Bolt cans $1.5bn Wyre acquisition

Online checkout company Bolt has pulled the plug on its $1.5 billion deal to buy blockchain infrastructure provider Wyre. Bolt announced the acquisition in April, touting its plan to integrate Wyre's APIs, which enable simple and secure crypto to...

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Revolut unveils online checkout feature

Revolut unveils online checkout feature

Fintech superapp Revolut is taking on PayPal with its own one-click payment checkout feature for online purchases. UK and EEA merchants can now present ‘Revolut Pay’ as a payment method - alongside the likes of PayPal and Apple Pay - across product,...

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Merchants Rev up the Checkout Checklist

Merchants Rev up the Checkout Checklist

They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression. It’s a statement that is especially true for retailers and merchants, we’d add, who also often face the inverse reality since they also never get a second chance to make a last impression. In...

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