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Merchants Must Offer Localized Payments in APAC

Merchants Must Offer Localized Payments in APAC

In a world where commerce is increasingly global but where markets and consumer preferences are still dominated by national or regional norms, one of the most costly mistakes a multinational retailer can make is not offering local payment options to their...

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Recovering APAC Sales Lost to Cart Abandonment

Recovering APAC Sales Lost to Cart Abandonment

The Asia Pacific (APAC) region is key to the international growth strategies of countless eCommerce merchants across the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. Home to 4.3 billion consumers, the region represents a massive market potential that many...

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Making Every Video Shoppable With 1 Click

Making Every Video Shoppable With 1 Click

How many people have seen those video screen kiosks or iPads in airports featuring interesting clips and little commercials and thought, “this would be an ideal medium for live video shopping.” Until today, no one we knew of. That’s all changed with the August...

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