7 steps to checkout success
Improve your online checkout in 7 simple steps. Practical Ecommerce and Michelle Moses from Loqate discuss tactics to improve conversion rates and reduce cart abandonment. source
10 Sales UX Best Practices For E-Commerce — Baymard
Key Takeaways During seasonal and time-sensitive sales and promotions, shoppers face pressure to find the right products quickly, with multiple sites often competing for their attention Common e-commerce frustrations feel magnified during this time, often...
How To Recover Sales with a High Converting Abandoned Checkout Flow
✅ Boost Your E-commerce Revenue by 30-50% This Month! 🚀 Schedule a Free Strategy Session: https://calendly.com/ventivemail/free-strategy-session 💥 Join DTC Email Marketing newsletter! https://dtcinbox.com/ How To Recover Sales with a High Converting Abandoned Checkout...
5 ways Buy Now, Pay Later can boost your business
Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) has moved from a novel option to a must-have for retailers that aim to meet the demands of modern consumers. In fact, the total amount of BNPL payments is projected to grow by 16.2% on an annual basis to reach US$484.7 billion in 2024....
Nine Things Payments Execs Need for Their 2025 Business Plans
Summer should get a speeding ticket, a wise person once said, and that’s a reality that all of us living in the Northern Hemisphere came to grips with last weekend. The Labor Day weekend marked the unofficial end of summer, and the start of the four-month...
Top 10 Buy Now, Pay Later Platforms Revolutionising Retail
The ascendancy of Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) platforms has markedly transformed the retail sector, offering consumers a novel approach to credit. With BNPL transactions surpassing 2 billion in 2023, these services have swiftly expanded from online to in-store...
Lange tussenfase die niet weg te denken is
RetailTrends belt iedere week met een expert over een opvallende actuele ontwikkeling. Deze keer: retailexpert Eelco Hos over de zelfscankassa’s. De zelfscankassa is niet meer weg te denken uit het retaillandschap in Nederland. Iedere (grote) supermarkt heeft...
Payment Orchestration Platforms Now Must Figure Ways to Set Themselves Apart, a Report Warns – Digital Transactions
As competition among payment orchestrators heats up, providers looking to separate themselves from the pack find themselves under pressure to offer points of differentiation, according to Datos Insights’ “Payment Orchestration Vendor Evaluation” report,...
Streamline Your Guest Checkout Experience Now to Drive Holiday Sales
While shopping online for your son’s holiday gift, you stumble across a cashmere scarf from an unfamiliar retailer. You’re checking out as a new customer, and the site requests your contact, shipping, billing, and payment information. You don’t have your credit...